Annual Events in the Finger Lakes Region

Experience the Finger Lakes like the locals with year-round events that showcase the region’s very best attractions. From festivals and art shows, to concerts and holiday activities, the area has something for everyone. Enjoy wine festivals in the summer, grape harvest season in the fall and the holiday market at Christmas time. Come see it all when you book your suite, villa or townhouse.
Finger Lakes Grass Roots Festival
Finger Lakes GrassRoots Festival of Music & Dance. 4 days, 4 stages, 70 bands.
CMAC Concerts
We’ll see you under the CMAC stars in 2023!
Finger Lakes Wine Festival
The Official Site of the Finger Lakes Wine Festival
Watkins Glen International
International Speedway Corporation is the owner of the course and provides car racing entertainment in the southern Finger Lakes region of New York State.
Geneva Music Festival
Live music all summer long!
Glass Fest
Explore the events to stay up to date on the latest Historic Geneva programs and events.
Canandaigua Arts and Music Festival
Art and music are blended together for a wonderful weekend in July.
Crusin’ Night
The Geneva Business Improvement District is gearing up for another great Cruisin’ Night! As the City of Geneva’s largest, longest running event, Cruisin’ Night is celebrating its 22nd year.
Naples Grape Festival
The Naples Grape Festival is an annual community event celebrating Naples’ grape harvest, local businesses, and the community
Celebrate Commemorate Memorial Day
This decision did not come lightly and was thoroughly vetted by the multiple public agencies whose permissions were required.
It’s A Wonderful Life Celebration
The 77th Anniversary Celebration of “It’s a Wonderful Life” Seneca Falls, NY December 8-10, 2023 We suggest you arrive Thursday, Dec. 7 and leave Monday.